
Tag: tuna

It tastes between pizza and au gratin. Although this one has no trace of cheese – it’s incredibly delicious.

INGREDIENTS (for a medium pyrex) 5-6 slices of thin bread (toast or rustic) 160 g tuna in olive oil 3-4 tablespoons of vegan mayonnaise Chopped fresh thyme, smoked paprika Salt and pepper, garlic powder 1 medium green pumpkin thinly...

Rice salad with tuna and corn – is a fantastic, cool and delicious rice salad

INGREDIENTS 2 cans of tuna 2 fl. ch. canned corn 1 packet of wild rice 5 small diced radishes 1 fresh onion, finely chopped 1/2 fl. ch. chopped dill salt and pepper 1/2 fl. ch. olive oil juice of 1 large...

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