
Passion Fruit’s Pie – you may smell in the kitchen the fruit parfum, is so nice and strong!

Ingredients (dough)

70 grs. butter

250 grs. plain flour

90 grs. caster sugar

2 yolks eggs

3 spoonfulk of milk

1 pinch of salt

1/2 teaspoon of baking powderIngredients (filling)

4 eggs

200 grs. granulated sugar

200 cc. double cream

250 grs. passion fruit’s pulp or juice(aprox. 5 maracuya)

4 teaspoon lemon’s juice1 mold of 26 cm aprox.


Cut the butter in slices and join with the flour in a bowl, add the sugar, milk, baking powder and yolks and the pinch of salt.- Make a dough and let rest by 20 minutes.Preheat the oven. (medium heat)

Method (filling)

Beat the eggs with the sugar until be foamy, add the double cream and the Passion fruit pulp or juice. If you use freeze pulp, desfreeze before.And finally add the leomn juice, mix well.

Reserve. Extend the dough with a roll pin if are and place in a mold pie and place at the oven by 15 minutes to medium heat. (The mold greased with buttter and powder with flour)

After the 15 minutes retire and slow the heat, empty the Passion fruit mix at the pie and place at the oven again by 15 minutes more or until is the texture how a flan and little golden.Let chill by a while and put at the Fridge by 2 hours. You may serve with whipped cream too, and maybe with a little of vanilla Ice cream must be delicious!

By @gloria.baker.587 .
Thanks for inspiring us!
You can see the recipe here: canelakitchen.blogspot.com

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